For Shamans and Native people all the Cosmos is a sacred space. Mother Earth and all her elements, the mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans, the stars, the sun, the moon, the whole Universe is sacred....
That Internal Space where the voice of the heart can be heard…
That Space where we often enter toe tipping without making any noise trying not to disturb the jealous Silence of the Spirit, we speak quietly replica orologi di lusso italia, we meditate, move gently and pray. How many prayers, thought and sung vibrate in so many temples and cathedrals around the world? Are the walls, and buildings the ones that make Sacred Spaces? Or maybe the Sacred Spaces have to do with all prayers evoked with pure and open hearts?
A single prayer said from the bottom of the heart is enough to create a Sacred Space.
To the shamans, the Cosmos is a sacred space, the Mother Earth and all its elements, the mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans, the stars, the sun, the moon, the whole universe is sacred.
When we are in Ceremony or work in Healing sessions, we open Sacred Space, a space of Love and protection, where the healing occurs. Where a marvelous spiritual care remains at our disposition.